Which Big Tech's AI Awakening First: Google, Facebook, Apple, or Tesla?

A glance at artificial intelligence in today’s technology companies

Jason Zhang
11 min readJun 18, 2022
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In the movie, one after another, artificial intelligence gained self-awareness, HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey, Skynet in Terminator, Agent Smith in The Matrix, Sonny in I, Robot, David in Prometheus, and Dolores in Westworld.

The Washington Post reported on June 12 that The Google engineer who thinks the company's AI(LaMDA) has come to life. He worked with a collaborator to present evidence to Google that LaMDA was sentient. They tried to get Google executives to recognize the "personality" of AI, but a Google vice president looked into his claims and dismissed them.

Overnight, the news that Google AI has awakened became a trending topic on Twitter. Some are excited, cheering for the giant leaps in human technology; some are terrified, worried that if 'Skynet' awakens, Judgment Day in Terminator will surely come.

