ChatGPT Weekly News: E2

Bringing you the latest news on ChatGPT things and AI this week

Jason Zhang
4 min readApr 17, 2023

In the era of ChatGPT, evolution is calculated in days. Every day, many disruptive and innovative AI products are born, and some of them will revolutionize the industry they are in. This article will summarize the news of ChatGPT-related products that appeared this week and my personal opinion for my subscribers (Note: this article is not generated by ChatGPTs)


  • Auto-GPT: An Autonomous GPT-4 experiment
  • Free Amazon CodeWhisperer: Free GitHub Copilot-like AI by Amazon
  • Free Claude in Slack: No need for a waitlist, use Claude immediately in your Slack.
  • Deep Speed Chat: open-source, chatGPT-like Model by Microsoft
  • X.AI: Elon Musk’s New AI Company


fight fire with fire

Though the ChatGPT plugins have yet to be officially released, we now possess a more potent tool — autonomous GPT-4.

